Built for Your Farm

Effortless Barn Monitoring Utilizing Your Existing Infrastructure

  • Use What You Have

    The existing infrastructure you have on farm is compatible with the Distynct smart alarm. No need to run new wires or probes.

  • Seamless Installation

    In under an hour, your new smart alarm is installed and ready to use with the wires from your old alarm system.

  • Peace of Mind on the Go

    Wherever you have an internet connection is where you can monitor your barn's conditions--goodbye to unneccessary drives to your site.

Take 60 seconds to learn the basics of the Distynct smart alarm from our CEO, BJ Brugman. In under an hour, you can have instant digitization and remote visibility of your farm without running any new wires or probes. Convenient, cost efficient, and top tier animal welfare.


  • One-time hardware cost of $2500 with a $40 monthly subscription.

  • The Distynct smart alarm monitors power, temperature, and water pressure.

  • The good news is that we bring the internet to your farm! Ditch the landline, hotspot, or whatever else you are currently using. By purchasing the Distynct smart alarm, you also purchase the internet that fuels your system.

  • Installation is simple and quick. A Distynct team member will install your system in under an hour with the existing wires and probes on farm. We will take the wires from your existing alarm system and plug them directly into the Distynct connectivity engine. Simple and affordable!

  • The barn owner can choose between a text notification or phone call to be alerted of an alarm. The customer can set up their preferences in our easy-to-use Distynct dashboard.